
Publish Anonymous or Secure Content Seamlessly

Extranet Publisher is intended for scenarios where you need to publish content to a broad external user audience. They don’t need to collaborate, they just need to be able to easily consume that content. This could be your public website, or a private site you want to share securely with a particular audience.

While out of the box in Office 365 you can anonymously share individual documents, there is no way to share a whole site anonymously. With Extranet Publisher you can leverage Azure websites to do this very cost effectively.

Product Features

  • Simple authoring and publishing of documents and images
  • HTML translation and publishing of web pages
  • Sitemap.xml auto-generation for search engine optimization
  • Generation of rollups and related images for landing and rollup pages
  • Friendly URL and breadcrumb authoring
  • Management of SEO metadata, robots.txt crawl rules, and auto-generation of the sitemap.xml
  • 301, 302, and 404 redirect rules engine
  • Power Automate approvals workflows
  • HTML snippets library
  • Page start and expiry date support
  • Management of Azure Cognitive Search, including exclusion rules

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Featured Case Study


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