User Manager

Externally share at the scale your business demands

User Manager is a product that can be regarded as very diversified with an extensive level of capabilities. Typically, User Manager is implemented with Microsoft 365 to manage guest users and groups.

Administrator Features

Delegated User Management

Administrators can configure permission structures with peace of mind knowing the permissions are set and they are simply delegating user management to a business user that owns the relationship with the external audience

Customizable Email Templates

Full rich text editor that gives admins the ability to customize all email templates that are sent to external users as part of the onboarding process

Bulk Import Users and Groups

Administrators can bulk import Users and Groups using a simplified import process that can capture all applicable user details including what groups a user should have access to

Rich Auditing & User Reporting

All Administrative tasks as well as user activity is audited in log files that can be extracted into reporting solutions including Power BI

End User Features

Simplified Login

User can input their email and then EUM does the backend work to pass them through to login or self register

Request to Join Additional Groups

EUM landing is where public groups can be self discovered by external users. Users can request access to join the group and are notified when approved

Mobile Friendly

Regardless of the device the user is accessing your portal on, the experience and user interface is optimized to work on both desktop as well as mobile devices

Maintain Their Own User Profile

Users can access their user profiles and update their information as it changes

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Featured Case Study


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